Virtual Xperience

Competition Details


Automobilista Time Trial Challenge is on - this is your chance to win an official Stock Car Racing Seat from Cockpit Extreme Racing!

Scoring will be calculated by both participation and results - every contestant gets 100 points for participating in each round, plus result points inversely proportional to the number of participants - if for example a contestant wins in one round featuring 250 contestants in total, he gets 350 points (100 for participation + 250 for total contestant); 2nd place gets 349 points, and so on all the way to 250th place who gets 101 points that week. Whoever has the most points accumulated over the 12 rounds wins the Time Trial Challenge!

A second Stock Car Racing Seat will be awarded by drawing amongst all participants. To get a ticket in the draw, all you need to do is register a lap within 107% of the best time set that week in any of the 12 rounds. You can accumulate up to 12 tickets in the draw for every round you participate with a valid lap - the more rounds you take part in, the better your chances!